Heroine in the Narratives of Pakistani Cinema

  • Saqlain Zaidi


Abstract Views: 294

This paper explores the portrayal of Pakistani women in the narratives of Pakistani film and investigates whether those portrayals are close to real life. Starting from a chooi-mooi girl to the brave Sara of Shoaib Mansoor’s Verna who takes revenge of her rape, Pakistani heroine has come a long way from being depicted mostly as passive, dependent on men, and enmeshed in relationships or housework1 to an active, independent and a rebellious individual. This paper explores how the story worlds of different heroines, although presented in a heightened reality, are in fact reflective of real problems and desires. The stylistic device of lifting these story worlds of heroines to an above-reality level allows the privacy to acknowledge they exist without feeling publicly challenged.2

Keywords: Women and Pakistani Cinema, Chooi -mooi girl (very delicate), new content of films


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Davis, Donald M. “Portrayals of Women in Prime-Time Network Television: Some Demographic Characteristics.” Sex Roles 23, no. 5 (1990): 325–32.https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00290052
How to Cite
Zaidi, S. (2020). Heroine in the Narratives of Pakistani Cinema. Journal of History and Social Sciences, 10(2). https://doi.org/10.22555/jhss.v10i2.95